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原创 【精品推荐】董其昌书法临摹碑帖赏析

时间:2020/5/27 10:28:21  来源:四川嘉玉宝阁拍卖

  董其昌传世书法作品以行书最多,代表作品有行书《临柳公权兰亭诗》。他重视师古,采摭精赅,强调要多参阅古代法书真迹。由于他的精鉴和颖悟,其仿古作品着重表达意趣。结构巧妙,善于夸张地运用杨凝式那种疏宕的布白方法,把行距、字距布置得更为适度,形成一种疏宕秀逸的风格。墨色变化丰富,有意识地强调运笔中的墨色,往往一笔下来即呈浓淡数层变化,这与他的绘画强调笔墨表现有关,用笔率易自然,于流畅中兼具生涩之趣。他的书法自具新意, 秀雅率易。董其昌书法崇尚平淡天真,自谓“吾书往往率意”,认为他的书法高于赵孟頫,“赵书因熟得俗态,吾书因生得秀色”。后世常将赵董并称。

Among dong qichang’s calligraphy works handed down to the ages, xingshu is the most, and representative works are xingshu "linliu gongquan lanting poetry". He emphasized the importance of the ancient teacher, the precise and comprehensive use of the product, and the need to read more ancient texts. As a result of his preciseness and wisdom, his archaize works emphasize the expression of interest. The structure is ingenious, is good at exaggerating the use of Yang ning type that kind of sparse white cloth method, the line space, the word space layout is more moderate, forms a kind of sparse elegant style. The ink color changes are rich, and he consciously emphasizes the ink color in the operation of the brush, which often shows several layers of shade and shade at the same time. This is related to his painting’s emphasis on the expression of the brush and ink. The use rate of the brush is easy and natural. His calligraphy is original and elegant. Dong qichang calligraphy advocating plain naive, called themselves "my books often LvYi", think of his calligraphy is higher than Zhao Meng e ? ? ˉ, "Zhao Shu for cooked SuTai, my books for show Later generations often named zhao dong as the same.


Dong shi poor for decades of skill, the ancients are all thoroughly familiar with the chest, it is not difficult to grasp the hand. This book ink moistening, the artistic conception of the clear look far and far, with the pen turn turn put freely, in the knot on the word, delicate, close and powerful, the font to the right on the micro tilt, there is a straight state. No wonder its postscript: li beihai cloud hui general monument is very impressive, after the people learn a lot. Yu middle age quite likes to copy, now has forgotten its old habits! However, when one for it, also do not fall after zhao wuxing also. It can be seen that dong qichang is extremely conceited about his calligraphy.


This collection for dong qichang copy tablet post, light and crisp, both in its shape, more show its god, fully show the original spirit. Meticulous with the pen, points to the painting, ink dripping li, lines are strong, momentum, with the pen knot word zhang layout changes, good at creating risks and can "escape danger", give a person with a kind of momentum, the feeling of dripping li. Has the extremely high collection value, and the artistic appreciation value.

