

2021/4/17~2021/5/16 其它
2021/4/7~2021/7/17 其它
2021/4/3~2021/4/10 其它
2021/4/10~2021/4/26 其它
造化场景 — 杨文轩个人作品展
2021/4/2~2021/4/30 其它
何子彥:Voice of Void
2021/4/3~2021/7/4 其它
2021/2/4~2021/3/13 其它
2021/1/17~2021/2/27 其它
2020/12/12~2021/3/12 其它
2020/11/7~2021/3/21 其它


开幕时间:2021/01/17 15:00




展览地址:湖南省长沙市天心区南湖路 长坡二街酷力文体园区三楼






  艺术家所创造的巨人形象并非为讨好而存在,它们好似携带着被压抑的欲望出生,成长为一种 “扭曲”的有机结构。暧昧丰满的肉体、板滞的眼神和赛博的色彩背后是那些在暗处的膨胀与不安。这些张力并非仅存于画面之中,而其恰恰如同一面镜子,映射出夹在中国传统观念与现代文明之中的中国人的内心世界。


The Giant in the Attic

Chen Zifeng’s works have a tem-pera-ment that makes peo-ple feel ner-vous. It is as if we were glanc-ing at a giant hid-ing in the attic, fac-ing away from us, doing things we could not know or under-stand. We will have a hint of curios-i-ty and fear, but then turn around and leave. The attic is such an exis-tence. It is dark, crowd-ed, always ignored and for-got-ten, and peo-ple see it as if it is not relat-ed to their own world. Thus, the thin par-ti-tion on the top floor of the house becomes a big box for stor-ing secret traces.

Chen Zifeng, who has acquired tra-di-tion-al Chi-nese paint-ing the-o-ry and tech-ni-cal train-ing, lives in a house and its attic at the same time. When the giants liv-ing in the attic were con-stant-ly con-densed in the images cre-at-ed by the artist, the accu-mu-lat-ed weight of mul-ti-ple emo-tions and desires made the attic squeaky, and the sup-pressed dia-logue agi-tat-ed. Man is nei-ther born free nor has absolute free-dom. On the artis-tic lev-el, what Chen Zifeng wants to fight against and break through is not only the con-straints of Chi-nese paint-ing tech-niques and forms, but also the unre-solved con-tra-dic-tions of tra-di-tion-al art in the con-tem-po-rary era. Due to the rapid trans-for-ma-tion and devel-op-ment of eco-nom-ic mod-els in Chi-na, there is abyss between tra-di-tion-al Chi-nese cul-ture and con-tem-po-rary soci-ety. Tra-di-tion-al art is stuck in fun-da-men-tal-ism and is out of step with con-tem-po-rary civil-i-sa-tion. Its core has long been com-pressed by the so-called “advanced civil-i-sa-tion” into a mocked schema. When his-to-ry is unable to help advance, con-tem-po-rary peo-ple selec-tive-ly for-get the “remains”, as if we no longer have trace-able roots. Faced with these hous-es built on an unsta-ble, eas-i-ly col-lapsed, and hol-low foun-da-tion, Chen Zifeng has been mak-ing silent protests, naive-ly insist-ing on the cre-ation of a cul-ture in his own attic.

The giants’ images cre-at-ed by the artist do not exist to please, they are twist-ed and per-vert-ed organ-ic struc-tures born with sup-pressed desires. Behind the vague and plump body, the slug-gish eyes and the cyber colour is the uneasi-ness that swells in the dark. This uneasi-ness is not only in the pic-ture, but it is just like a mir-ror, reflect-ing the con-tra-dic-to-ry minds of con-tem-po-rary peo-ple liv-ing in the tra-di-tion-al con-cept and the cur-rent soci-ety.

Giants will not hud-dle in the attic eter-nal-ly, and because of their hid-den threat to the entire house, it will tempt us to enter the attic; when we are fac-ing the giants, our bod-ies grad-u-al-ly unfold-ed.

近墨者黑 陈子丰 2020 综合材料 31x31cm

千里江山2 陈子丰 2019 纸本综合材料 240x166cm
