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时间:2023/7/11 22:55:18  来源:中国文化产业网





Zhou Yongzhi was born in 1938 in Dongyang, Zhejiang province. Now he is the vice chairman of Chinese Calligraphy Art Research Association, honorary chairman of Chinese Calligraphy and Painters Association, a professor of calligraphy by Central Academy of Fine Arts, and a visiting professor of art education by China Education Alliance. Expert committee member of calligraphy technician skill appraisal appointed by Chinese Cultural Management Association.

Teacher Zhao Meng, Huai Su, Zhang Xu and other calligraphy masters into their own creation, innovation, to form their own calligraphy style, its calligraphy characteristics, very unique name."Chinese Collection" commented on his calligraphy as "vivid and enjoyable... it has a strong sense of self-awareness and forms its own distinctive characteristics". Hong Kong calligraphers commented on the combination of his characters "physical beauty, imposing beauty and artistic conception"."Art and Value" comments on Zhou Yongzhi book "majestic, free, a rush like rain and thunder, a calm as Songsheng empty valley......"

Inscribed "The Great Wall ballad" "Huang Danian" "in the peach blossom place" film opening. In Jingdezhen porcelain, tea set two sets of national ritual utensils inscription. Cooperation with the China International Philatelic Network and other departments have published three sets of collection of stamp books. Four sets of cursive wall calendars were published separately.

He has published many papers such as "Creative Transformation" and "Innovative Development" in Calligraphy Creation "and many poems such as" Thirty-six Small Cave ".


Editor: Wang Shuo

