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过云楼选书 | 4月新书推荐

时间:2023/4/24 0:37:12  来源:过云楼文化艺术中心




Culture and Art Center





You can experience a thousand lives by reading a book

世界读书日 特别推荐版

World Book Day Special Edition



作者: 蔡琴
出版社: 上海书画出版社

  本书按照历史顺序,分为五代、北宋和南宋三个时期,解读了近 30 位名家、近 100 幅传世经典画作,探究了山水、花鸟、人。随着女性主义浪潮的一波波涌起,在博物馆和美术馆中,女性的声音和身影以各种方式出现在观众面前,其中,女性博物馆和以女性为主题的展览无疑是最为重要的部分。浙江博物馆策划的“丽人行——中国古代女性图像展”为博物馆女性展览打开了独特局面。分三大绘画类别由技入艺以至于境的发展过程;讲述个体与王朝相互勾连,命运与天才相激共振的历史事件。创作体例上,赏析与评传结合;方法上,审美与思辨兼济。作者试图以此建构新的中国艺术史,这是一部思想、艺术、文化、美学、文学交织的更大的人文作品。读过本书,或许你还会发现,去艺术中开拓文化的江山,是一个好去处。追求自由,构建独立人格,安顿自己,这是对中国文化和自我的一次美的救赎。美,是引人向上的终极力量。

"With the rising tide of feminism, women’s voices and figures are appearing in museums and galleries in a variety of ways, of which women’s museums and women-themed exhibitions are undoubtedly the most important part. The Zhejiang Museum’s exhibition ’Li Ren Xing - Images of Ancient Chinese Women’ has opened up a unique situation for women’s exhibitions in museums.



作者: [英]安斯加·艾伦
出版社: 商务印书馆

  继《虚无主义》后,“交界译丛”又一力作!徐贲、徐英瑾 推荐,每个人或许都有自己的“犬儒时刻”,是屈服于心中的“黑暗面”,还是拨开迷雾,迎接真相?还原犬儒主义的真面目,激活思想潜流的真精神。认识犬儒主义,重识时代,直面自我!

After Nihilism, another masterpiece in the Junction Translation Series!Recommended by Xu Ben and Xu Yingjin. Everyone may have his or her own "cynical moment". Do you give in to the "dark side" of your mind, or do you lift the fog and welcome the truth? The true face of cynicism is restored and the true spirit of the undercurrent of thought is activated.Recognise cynicism, reconnect with the times and confront yourself!



作者: [德]鲍里斯·格罗伊斯
出版社: 重庆大学出版社


In this important work, Groys charts the paradoxes created by this tension, exploring art in the age of the objectless medium (the Internet). Groys asserts that if mechanical reproduction gives us objects without auras, then digital reproduction generates auras without objects, with all their materiality transformed into the fleeting signs of the present.



作者: [美] 西尔维娅·普拉斯

出版社: 北京联合出版公司

  《精灵》是普拉斯的最后遗作,风格独具,技巧纯熟,忧郁的气质和哀愁的情调弥漫其间。由陈黎与张芬龄翻译的完整版《精灵》所收诗作包括两部分:“普拉斯亲订本”四十一首与“休斯编辑本选入诗”十四首,另附普拉斯诗中译七首及为BBC 广播节目“普拉斯新诗作”所写文稿。力图全面呈现普拉斯关于生之欲望与死之艺术的绝唱。

The Genie is Plath’s final work, unique in style and virtuosity, with a melancholy and melancholy mood. The complete edition, translated by Chen Li and Zhang Fenling, contains two parts: forty-one poems in Plath’s own edition and fourteen poems in Hughes’s edited version, together with seven translations of Plath’s poems and a contribution to the BBC radio programme "The poems are accompanied by seven translations of Plath’s poems and a contribution to the BBC radio programme ’New Poems by Plath’. It is an attempt to present the full range of Plath’s masterpiece on the desire to live and the art of dying.



   作者: [英]伊恩·斯图尔特
   出版社: 人民邮电出版


Equations are the fundamental laws of the world and have changed the destiny of mankind. From the fluctuating equations and Maxwell’s system of equations to the Black-Scholes equations used to predict financial markets, equations are everywhere in life. How did Pythagoras’ theorem give rise to the Global Positioning System? How can logarithms play an application in architecture? Why were imaginary numbers crucial to the development of digital cameras? What really happened to Schr?dinger’s cat? This book takes 17 equations that have had a significant impact on human society and tells the historical stories behind them in lively and entertaining strokes, and how they have driven the development of human civilisation, as well as providing an original exploration and interpretation of everything on Earth from a mathematical perspective.



作者: 大卫·格雷伯
出版社: 中信出版集团


The first chapter of this book is a survey of scholarly thinking and research on the relationship between Italian Renaissance art and the ’Orient’ from the end of the nineteenth century to the present, with the author focusing on the ’image of the Orient’ as an undercurrent that has always been present in this historical ocean. The second chapter will first discuss the dissemination and reception of images of the Orient. On the one hand, Western European painters may have acquired their knowledge of the appearance and attire of the Orient from a variety of sources, such as Oriental travelogues, chronicles and images from Central Asian codices. On the other hand, the variety in the images of the Orient reveals the memories and emotions of the people. Chapters 3 to 7, the core of the book, focus on the narrative language and function of Oriental images themselves, and how they embrace and integrate new images. The focus is on exploring the different roles played by such alien images in a number of traditional themes as they entered Western European society. Five separate and interconnected case studies are included, centred on two chronicle illustrations, two groups of council chamber frescoes, and two painting themes, which essentially cover several basic types of Oriental imagery in 13th-14th century European painting, presenting five different ’portraits’.



作者: [英]迪克·赫伯迪格
出版社: 广西师范大学出版社


The meaning of subculture is always in dispute, and it is in the different definitions of its genre that we see the most passionate collisions. This book is one of the seminal works on youth subcultures and the first systematic study of punk culture. From the popularity of safety pins, pointy shoes and motorbikes to the rise of punk, reggae and glam rock, the author uses a vivid historical narrative combined with theoretical approaches such as structuralism, post-structuralism and symbolic analysis to provide an in-depth analysis of the functions, sources, resistance and ways of collecting subcultures, exploring the relationship between youth subcultures and social classes and their significance to the times.



作者: [美]南希·佛雷泽

出版社: 上海人民出版社


In this book, Nancy Fraser reveals the reason for all this: the planet is being gradually destroyed for no other reason than our descent into "cannibalistic capitalism"!

Capitalism is like a ravenous snake with a tail that is devouring our society, and the bourgeoisie is like a cannibal that feeds on our own kind. In this book, the renowned contemporary political philosopher Nancy Fraser sharply argues that capitalism is not an economic type but a social type, and that the capitalist system tacitly allows society to serve wealth on a plate to the corporate class, inviting them to feed on our creativity and the planet we depend on, but feeling no obligation to replenish what they have consumed or repair what they have destroyed.

Thus, Nancy Fraser concludes in this book that it is capitalism that is at the root of the instability and harm in our society today, creating a general crisis of the entire social order that threatens to swallow us all up when all the catastrophes come together and exacerbate each other.



作者: [美]王鼎钧

出版社: 商务印书馆


"The essay is the landscape on the desk, and the landscape is the essay on the ground". Both literature and art and nature have great beauty, and to appreciate their aspirations and interests, one needs not only a sense of meaning and divine communication, but also a glimpse of the path. The Seven Essays on Appreciation of Literature and Art contains articles by Mr Wang Dingjun that focus on the appreciation of poetry, fiction, prose, drama, painting, calligraphy and seal carving, outlining their qualities in a separate category and telling the essence of them in a coherent manner. A brushstroke, a stroke of paint, a chafe of colour, a true Chinese cultural being is revealed in the ways of literature and art. As he says: "The real world produces desire, the world of art produces beauty, desire troubles people, beauty purifies the mind. The so-called sense of beauty is not about being beautiful and pretty, but about entering a state of completeness with one’s intuition."



作者: 韩茂莉
出版社: 文汇出版社

  历史与地理密不可分,历史决定思维的深度,地理决定视野的广度。《大地中国》是北京大学教授韩茂莉写给大家的历史地理通识,二十六个专题,贯通上下五千年,遍及南北东西,涵盖了中国历史地理的重要问题。侯仁之先生说,历史地理是“昨天、前天的地理”,本书将历史的时间体系纳入地理空间, 依循山河地理,讲述历史上的那些事,城市、农田、牧场、道路、关隘、江河、集市、寺庙,每个题目都是大地上的一块耀斑,虽然不能涵盖大地,却有着地理的魅力。

History and geography are inseparable; history determines the depth of thinking and geography determines the breadth of vision. Earth China is a general introduction to historical geography written by Peking University Professor Han Maoli. Twenty-six topics, spanning five thousand years, north, south, east and west, cover important issues in Chinese historical geography.

Mr Hou Renzhi says that historical geography is "the geography of yesterday and the day before", and this book incorporates the time system of history into geographical space, following the geography of mountains and rivers to tell the story of those events in history, cities, farmlands, pastures, roads, passes, rivers, bazaars, temples, each topic is a dazzling piece of the earth, although it cannot cover the earth, but has the charm of geography.



作者: [美]托马斯·巴菲尔德
出版社: 江苏人民出版社


Through an anthropological examination of the historical relationship between nomadic empires and the Middle Kingdom over a period of more than two millennia, Dangerous Frontiers: Nomadic Empires and China presents an analytical model of the political and economic organization that explains the rise and fall of the great nomadic empires, including the Mongol Empire, and provides a coherent study of the relationship between the Middle Kingdom and these empires. The author raises the question of the ’external border strategy’ and the ’internal border strategy’ that nomadic forces alternately adopted when they came into contact with the Middle Kingdom, pointing out that the cyclical pattern of nomadic imperial rule over the northern regions of the Middle Kingdom was to some extent based on a process of centralisation and decentralisation This book is a contribution to the study of Chinese frontier history. This book contributes a new way of thinking to the study of Chinese frontier history that is different from that of professional historians.


过云楼 — 弘文书店均有销售


开放时间|Open time


Monday to Sunday 10:00-17:00



No. 2 West Ganjiang Road, Gusu District,Suzhou



Line 1 / Line 4, Le Qiao Station, turn right 50m distance at Exit 8, 


Tips: public transportation is recommended due to limited parking spaces.








