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常青作品展:不止.常青 将于9月25日开幕

时间:2022/9/23 22:35:25  来源:新浪收藏

  信雅达文化艺术旗下全新品牌‘上空间艺术中心ArtSun Space’将于9月25日,以展览‘不止·常青’于上海陆家嘴CBD核心地段正式开馆,并对公众开放。此次展览将目光投向其所在城市—上海,携著名艺术家、浙江油画院院长、中国美术学院教授、博士生导师、浙江美术家协会副主席常青先生的百余件精品力作,助力中国当代艺术展开全球性对话。此次展览不仅是上空间ArtSun Space的开馆首展,也是信雅达文化艺术加快发展的“发令枪”。

  图 | 上空间艺术中心ArtSun Space


  上空间ArtSun Space的落成开放,是信雅达文化艺术继开拓美上美学MaySun MayShine品牌后的再次“亮剑”,也是迈向下一个十年的全新里程碑。同时,向实现“发掘艺术品的价值、守护艺术家的成长、参与艺术史的创造”这一企业使命迈出了更坚实的一步。通过艺术产业链建设及战略机遇,做强艺术行业的增长极,以期打造专业的文化艺术产业链集群,构筑更具影响力的文化艺术新高地,为国内外艺术家、藏家、艺术爱好者构建一个开放多元的艺术空间。



  Forewords of Curator


  Chang Qing, the Man who is “Whistling”

  文 / 林书传 Lin Shuchuan


  [Lin Shuchuan, born in 1986 in Hunan, is a curator and documentary director。 He is currently working at the Art Museum of the Nanjing University of the Arts as Head of the Academic Department。 Since 2012, Lin has been focused on living and creating the status of young Asian artists through exhibitions, documents, and documentaries。 He organized and implemented “Polyphony,” a series of ecological surveys of Chinese art in Jiangsu Zhejiang and Shanghai, Beijing, PRD (Pearl River Delta), Region of Yunnan Guizhou and Sichuan, and Southeast Asia。 In 2017, he launched the “Curatorial Research Plan” to study subjects of curatorial ontology。 In 2018, he started the public art program “The 24 Hours to be Alone”。 He has also curated multiple individual artist programs and group art exhibitions in Beijing, Shanghai, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Changsha, London, Paris, and other major cities。]


  As an artist, Chang Qing is far more than what we currently know about or speak of; far more than what he has already created。 There are way more versions of him coming toward us from the future。 He will continuously present, evolve, upgrade, and renew himself as his creation continues。

  常青 《同林鸟》之三 2021年

  (Birds in One Forest III)

  绢本彩墨 142×290cm

  上空间 ArtSun Space Art Center


  Whenever we talk about Chang Qing and his artworks, two aspects are always brought up。 First, his endless passion and vitality have never faded in decades。 Secondly, his incredible creation capability abolishes what is outdated and establishes innovations, comprehending themselves by analogy。 In 1987, when Chang Qing was still in his junior year of college, he created his most representative work, The Bowl。 It was selected for the first painting exhibition in China and made him one of the leading artists in the realm of Neorealism painting in China。 Until today, his creation has lasted 35 years, and there is no sign of suspension。 His passion and desire to make art are still as strong as in the beginning。 Like what Han Yu from Tang Dynasty had written in Ode of Farewell to Best Friend, “the heavy rain falls over and over again without stopping, while the thick cloud floats layer upon layer without lowering。”

  常青 《气吞万里》之一 2021年

  (Daring and Vigor of Conquering I)

  布面综合 91×91cm

  上空间 ArtSun Space Art Center


  His incredible creation capability is mostly suggested through artworks in all stages of his career, from the Neorealism painting in his early life to the later exploration of mediums and art styles。 He even painted with ink or an iPad。 Everything he made just emphasized his overflowing talent and achievements。 The word “overflowing” is interpreted in Origin of Chinese Characters as “being full and flowing out。” Before long ago, Xu Jiang complimented and commented on Chang Qing as an extremely talented artist and explained the title for two reasons。 Firstly, he is gifted with an extraordinary perception of art。 Secondly, he has solid fundamental skills that allow him to solve tough technical issues while whistling。

  常青 《塔西堤潜流》 2021年

  (In Undercurrent of Tahiti)

  纸本彩墨 70×137cm

  上空间 ArtSun Space Art Center


  When I look at Chang Qing’s latest series of ink paintings with vibrant color palettes, I can always hear what Xu Jiang calls “the whistling。” All the goldfish, parrots, and tigers in adorable forms are painted with brilliant and bright colors, which breaks the limitation of traditional ink painting materials such as rice paper and brushes。 The images are more recognized as the blinking neon lights。 There is no moldering, lethargy, or rigid craftsmanship, but only the flowing of exuberance and vigor。 They are filled with a sense of futurism and energy from hormones。

  常青 《潋滟仙踪》之九十五 2021年

  (The Trace of Immortals in Glittering Ripples-95)

  综合材料 40×50cm

  上空间 ArtSun Space Art Center


  His ability to create such images on the traditional rice paper with a traditional brush and traditional techniques of ink painting reminds me of a classic event I heard about during my visit to Southeastern Asia years ago。 Duterte, the president of the Philippines, once said that if a woman heard a man whistling on the street, she was not supposed to assume it was an assault on her。 According to Duterte, nobody can stop the man from whistling, as it is his liberty of speech。


  Not only colors, but we can also feel the freedom and relaxation when Chang Qing is “whistling” in the aspect of forms and shapes。 Without seeing the actual artworks, it is hard to imagine that a previous leading artist of Chinese Neorealism paintings is now creating images of goldfish and parrots in such a reckless style。 Every one of them is so vivid and lively。 It feels like they are staring right at us and speaking to us with all their sensations and feelings rather than just standing still like a specimen。

  常青 《斗鸡》之十二 2020年

  (The Game Fowls XII)

  纸本彩墨 45×68cm×2

  上空间 ArtSun Space Art Center


  There is no doubt that Chang Qing is proving to the entire world through his powerful creation that he is “whistling” not only to the traditional ink painting and Realism but also to himself deep inside。 He is doing it with freedom and his talent instead of applying cynicism to the subjects。 And with his permanent internal youth and willpower, instead of frivolous actions, he will go further beyond the limit。



  About the artist

  常 青













  Chang Qing

  Born in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China, in 1965

  Graduated from Attached High School of Sichuan Academy of Fine Art in 1984

  Graduated from Oil Painting Department of China Academy of Fine Arts and taught in its Attached High School in 1989

  Taught in Oil Painting Department of China Academy of Fine Arts from 1997 up to now

  Has been working at Zhejiang Oil Painting Institute since 2020。

  Main Duties

  Member of Chinese Artists Association

  Professor of Oil Painting Department, Ph.D。 advisor, China Academy of Fine Arts

  Member of Cultural Committee, Chinese Peasants。

  Member of the National Major Subject Creation Art Committee of the China Artists Association

  Vice President of Central Painting and Calligraphy Academy of the Chinese Workers Democratic Party

