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时间:2019/10/13 15:40:58  来源:古董艺术品鉴


  齐白石(1864年1月1日—1957年9月16日),原名纯芝,字渭青,号兰亭,后改名璜,字濒生,号白石、白石山翁、老萍、饿叟、借山吟馆主者、寄萍堂上老人、三百石印富翁,祖籍安徽宿州砀山,生于湖南长沙府湘潭(今湖南湘潭),近现代中国绘画大师,世界文化名人。Qi Baishi (January 1, 1864 - September 16, 1957), formerly Chunzhi, Weiqing, Lanting, later renamed Jing, is on the verge of extinction. He is named Baishi, Baishishan Weng, Laoping, Hungry Man, the owner of Yishan Yin Hall, the old man in Jiping Hall, the 300 stone-printing millionaire, and his ancestral home is Dangshan, Suzhou, Anhui Province. He was born in Xiangtan, Changsha Prefecture, Hunan Province. He is a great painter of modern Chinese painting and a world cultural name. People.

  早年曾为木工,后以卖画为生,五十七岁后定居北京。擅画花鸟、虫鱼、山水、人物,笔墨雄浑滋润,色彩浓艳明快,造型简练生动,意境淳厚朴实。所作鱼虾虫蟹,天趣横生。In his early years, he worked as a woodworker, then sold paintings for a living, and settled in Beijing after he was 57 years old. He is good at painting flowers, birds, insects, fish, landscapes and figures. His brush and ink are vigorous and moist, with rich and bright colors, concise and vivid shapes and simple artistic conception. The fish, shrimp, insect and crab are interesting.


  Recently, our company has the honor to collect a picture of Qibaishi Tongming Fu Lu for your appreciation. If you are interested in this picture, you can contact our company.


  绘画特点: 齐白石在绘画艺术上受陈师曾影响甚大,齐白石同时吸取吴昌硕之长。齐白石专长花鸟,笔酣墨饱,力健有锋。但画虫则一丝不苟,极为精细。齐白石还推崇 徐渭 、 朱耷 、 石涛 、 金农 。尤工虾蟹、蝉、蝶、鱼、鸟、水墨淋漓,洋溢着自然界生气勃勃的气息。

  Painting characteristics: Qi Baishi was greatly influenced by Chen Shi in painting art. Qi Baishi absorbed Wu Changshuo’s strong points at the same time. Qi Baishi specializes in flowers and birds. He is full of ink and strong. But the insects are meticulous and extremely delicate. Qi Baishi also praised Xu Wei, Zhu Jin, Shi Tao and Jinnong. Especially crabs, cicadas, butterflies, fish, birds, ink dripping, full of the vibrant atmosphere of nature.











  In recent years, the authentic transaction records of Qibaishi calligraphy and painting auction are as follows:

  Qi Baishi made the price of Amitabha Buddha’s vertical axis in 1943: RMB1023.5 million - the date of transaction: 2019

  Vertical transaction price of Bayesian caterpillar in Qibaishi: RMB1150 million - transaction date: 2018

  Qi Baishi Dinghai (1947) completed the transaction price of autumn leaf caterpillar mirror core: RMB1400 million - transaction date: 2017

  Qi Baishi made the transaction price of richness and longevity vertical axis in 1923: RMB805 million - transaction date: 2014

  Qibai Shitaoyuan cattle screen axle transaction price: HKD1180 million - transaction date: 2016

  Qi Baishi’s Volume Page of Cordyceps in 1936 (Eight Opens) Transaction Price: RMB1840 million - Transaction Date: 2011

  Qibai Shixian Peach Ribbon with Mirror Heart Trading Price: RMB828 million - Trading Date: 2011

  Qibaishi Flower Four Screen Mirror Heart (Four Frames) Transaction Price: RMB874 million - Transaction Date: 2016


  If you are interested in bidding, please contact Beijing Baoli International Auction Co., Ltd. 010-53653361.

