

2020/1/21~2020/2/23 上海油画雕塑院美术馆
2020/1/15~2020/3/31 上海刘海粟美术馆
2020/1/18~2020/2/16 苏州明美术馆
探访 — 感知与现实
2020/2/2~2020/2/29 上海南希艺术画廊
2019/12/23~2020/1/5 苏州明美术馆
2020/1/8~2020/1/15 苏州明美术馆
2019/12/31~2020/1/17 上海油画雕塑院美术馆
2019/1/1~2019/1/22 上海南希艺术画廊
Move on China 2019 美丽新世界
2019/12/12~2020/3/15 上海
2019/11/6~2019/12/29 上海香格纳画廊

冬绛——四人联展 - Crimson Winter - Joint Exhibition of Four Artists

展览名称Exhibition : 冬绛——四人联展 - Crimson Winter - Joint Exhibition of Four Artists

展览时间Duration: 2020年1月1日 - 2020年1月22日 January 1 - January 22, 2020 

展览地址Venue: 上海市泰康路210弄田子坊画家楼5号楼100、112室

Room 100 & 112, Building No.5, Lane 210, Taikang Road, Shanghai 

策展人Curator:李小红(Nancy Lee) 

艺术家Artist: 李继 Li Ji ,邢庆信 Xing Qingxin , 肖颖 Xiao Ying , 刘婷 Liu Ting






At the beginning of 2020 , Nancy’s Gallery presents the color of spring to show missing and welcome to our friends . Even though the winter has arrived , and spring has not come yet , the artworks of the four artists with the subject of " Crimson Winter " will become a special warmth of the cold days in Tianzifang .

The exhibition takes ‘Crimson’ as a theme, the curator connects the distinctive paintings which are created by Li Ji , Xing Qingxin , Liu Ting and Xiao Ying in the same space with an artistic perspective . The sense of this exhibition is not only expressing blessing for the new year , but also guiding the visitors to think deeply about the particular symbolic meanings behind the color.

The artworks in this exhibition are mainly oil on canvas, and also including mixed-media and silkscreen on paper. Through the different brush strokes and expressions of our four contemporary artists, the visitors could see the transformations of human emotions caused by the changes of nature and weather. The curator hopes that the guests will have the spiritual satisfaction as spring follows the winter when they step into the gallery.

  李继,笔名:泓,1985年出生于陕西华阴,2002年就读于西安美术学院油画系中国精神工作室,2006年毕业留校任教于西安美术学院,2012年毕业于西安美术学院油画系艺术硕士,现为西安美术学院油画系专业教师,陕西省美术家协会会员 ,陕西省青年美术家协会会员。


2019年《密林深处》入选新麦田计划人民美术出版社首届油画大展 并获优秀奖
2009年《故乡之四》入选倡导绿色生活 共建生态文明全国美术作品展

2009年就读于西安美术学院油画系艺术硕士、导师韩宝生,《故乡之四》入选倡导绿色生活 共建生态文明全国美术作品展

Li Ji, born in Shaanxi province in 1985, is member of Shaanxi Artists Association and currently teaches in the department of oil painting in Xi’an Academy of Fine Arts. He studied in the Department of Chinese Spiritual Workshop in Xi’an Academy of Fine Arts and got his master degree in Oil Painting in 2012.
Li desires to capture the very original essence in the nature. He concentrates on presenting the nature with vivid expression and bold outline of Chinese painting using oil materials from the west.


2019 Autumn was selected into “Spirit & Schema: the First Chinese Freehand Brushwork Oil Painting Biennale”
2019 Li Ji was awarded as Academic Committee of the Silk Road Art Museum
2019 Li Ji attended the course “the Serbian Gaulen Jovich Wet Mural Course”.
2019 Zhongnan Spring was selected in the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the People’s Republic of China
2019 His solo exhibition “Restless words” was held in Xi’an
2019 The Deep Forest was selected into the first oil painting exhibition of the People’s Fine Arts Publishing House of the New Wheat Field Project and won the Excellence Award.
2018 Small Stones was selected in the Plateau Plateau and the 7th Oil Painting Biennale
2018 Bathfire was selected as "Spring Breeze: the first exhibition of Shaanxi Young Artists Association”
2017 Solo Exhibition at Shaanxi Province Art Museum, Xi’an
2014 “Outing”-Group exhibition of two artists, Xi’an
2013 Solo Exhibition at HuaShang Art Museum, Xi’an
2012 Oil painting “Old Cypress” selected into Plateau — Oil Painting Exhibition of Fine Art in Western China
2011 Exchange Exhibition of Young Artists in Taiwan and Mainland
2010 “My Country, My People” Art Exhibition
2009 Oil painting “Alley” selected into the Ordos International Art Exhibition as Outstanding Reward then being collected
2009 Oil painting “Home-Ⅳ” selected into To Advocate Green Life and Ecological Civilization-National Art Exhibition
2009 Oil painting “Reflection” selected into The Art Exhibition of 30th Anniversary of Reform and Opening Up , Shaanxi and wining the third prize
2006 Solo Exhibition in Xi’an Art Institution
2005 National Art Education Exhibition.
2004 Shaanxi Art Exhibition for the 50th Anniversary of the Establishment of P.R.C.
Paintings have been collected by the private and distinctive art institutions.


2016 “Oil Paintings of Li Ji” by Shannxi People’s Fine Arts Publishing House
2011 “Oil Sketches of Li Ji” by Tianjin People’s Fine Arts Publishing House

暗香浮动 Hidden Fragrance 2017 180x120cm

多福满枝 Fortune Branches 2017 60x40cm

花之盛2 In Full Bloom 2 2017 100x100cm

芦荡,Reed Marsh 60cmx80cm

品茗赏梅Enjoy the Plum Blossom While Sipping Tea 60x80cm








  Don Mclean为梵高所歌唱的 Starry Night 中有这样一段:
  Starry ,starry night
  Portraits hung in empty halls
  Frameless heads on nameless walls
  With eyes that watch the world and can’t forget
  Like he strangers that you’ve met
  The ragged men in ragged clothes
  The silver thorn,a bloody rose
  Lie crushed and broken on the virgin snow


  宋有三苏,今有三邢。 秦川艺术世家, 父亲邢继有是西北油画具代表性的艺术家前辈。 邢庆信跟随父亲在油画领域的发展, 创新出独属于自己的艺术风格。长兄邢庆仁擅长中国画的创作,是当今长安画派的代表艺术家之一。

Xing Qingxin was born in Shaanxi province in 1968, and he graduated from Xi’an Academy of Fine Arts in 1990. Xing Qingxin has a lot in common with his father Xing Jiyou and his big brother Xing Qingren, well-famed but still very easy going. Deeply influenced by his father and brother, he opened his own gallery " Qing Ping" more than ten years ago, and drew wide attention soon after.

2009 Solo exhibition at Qing Pingtang Gallery
2008, Exhibited in the Opening Ceremony Exhibition of China Mergers & Acquisitions Association
2007 Art Shanghai at Shanghai Mart
2006 Shanghai Art Fair

向阳1 Toward the Sun 1 100 x 73 cm

向阳2  Toward the Sun 2 73 x100


  毕业于南昌大学艺术与设计学院 硕士研究生
  2011年 法国卢浮宫Julita博士Tapera理论实践研修班
  2017年 中央美术学院继续教育学院 特聘教授
  2019年 景德镇陶瓷大学美术学院 特聘教授


  我想我的作品是我对太阳,风,雨水,炎热或寒冷等世间万物,在某一特定时间,特定情境下的,所呈现的作用,也许是痕迹亦或是证据。 我想提供的是一种存在的终极本质(形而上的),情绪幸福感(心态上的),行为举止(道德上的),视听感官(物质性的)等元素合而为一致的途径,它对应的是我的修为与心境,也许静止,也许澎湃,一切未可知!


2019年 《远山的回望》入选第十三届全国美术作品大展 宁波美术馆
2019年 《幻像系列》参加国家艺术基金中央美术学院“综合材料绘画学术邀请展” 吉林
2018年 《幻境系列》参加2018台北音乐暨艺术大展 台北
2018年 《幻像系列》入选第三届保利“学院之星”当代艺术大展 浙江义乌国际博览中心
2018年 《他将为我立碑》“新青年·当代艺术国际推广计划”上海展 上海新美术馆
2018年 《幻像 幻境》肖颖个人作品展南昌 晓美术馆
2018年 《幻像之漂亮朋友》中国宝龙艺术展 上海
2018年 《沙漠之花》系列入选"景观2018” 国际艺术交流展南昌699美术馆
2017年 作品《沙漠之花》系列参加“多彩2017”全国女画家艺术展  济南美术馆
2017年 作品《幻像系列》入选国家文化部主办“艺术中国汇”中外艺术家优秀作品展 美国纽约大都会博物馆
2016年 作品《沙漠之花》参加第七届法国巴黎蒙马特现代艺术展览会  巴黎蒙马特高地
2016年 作品《幻像系列》参加第十九届法国巴黎秋季艺术沙龙    巴黎卢浮宫
2016年  作品《 幻像系列》参加 “周而复始”丹培拉研究展全国巡展   中央美院  清华大学    
    美术馆 上海马利艺术中心 厦门华夏儿女美术馆 湖北美院美术馆
2016年 作品《繁花似锦201601》获得“贴近人民,走进生活”-2016江西油画展获银奖
2016年 作品《幻境201309》获得第九届江西青年作品展优秀奖  南昌
2016年 作品《你在等什么》获得首届“朝气 梦想 未来 ”江西青年美展 优秀奖(最高奖)
2015年 作品《春风又绿》获2015年江西工艺美术作品大展金奖      南昌
2015年 作品《空间之二,三》入选首届全国纸上粉画作品展    中国美协收藏
2015年 作品《幻像系列》入选当代油画-中国女性艺术专辑
2015年 作品《聚散》入选纪念抗战胜利70周年主题展      上海
2015年 作品《迷山系列》参加综合艺术绘画三人展  上海触觉美术馆  
2015年 作品《幻像系列》入选699当代艺术双年展  南昌
2015年 作品《隐系列》中国画学会首届作品展  南昌
2014年 作品《幻像系列》参加“距离”--当代艺术十人展  南昌
2014年 作品《迷山》系列参加德国CGFA画廊开幕展  柏林
2014年 作品《风-沙》为中央美术学院油画系永久收藏  北京
2014年 作品《隐之七》为中央美术学院油画系永久收藏  北京
2014年 作品《幻像20140701》获十二届全国美展江西展区银奖  南昌
2013年 作品《幻像-2》获得全国油画作品展优秀奖(最高奖) 中国美协收藏
2013年 作品《夜色》获江西工艺美术馆收藏  南昌
2013年 油画作品《幻像》参加中华艺术宫2013年全国油画作品展  上海
2012年 《虹系列之一》北京希尔顿罗西艺术空间“艺术的春天”展  北京
2012年 作品《水墨山水》为中央美术学院油画系永久收藏
2012年 作品《风景之一》参加江西第七界青年美术作品展  南昌
2011年 作品《夜色》参加江西工艺美术优秀作品展  南昌
2011年 作品《静夜》获江西省美术大赛二等奖
2010年 作品《百合-2》发表于江西省文联《星火》杂志
2010年 作品《舞》入选南昌美术家作品集
2010年 作品《树熊-2》南昌荣宝斋收藏


Xiao Ying
Graduated in Art and Design College of Nanchang University
Highest degree: master degree Highest education: post graduate
2011-2013 completed material art senior training class of oil painting department of Central Academy of Fine Art
2015 graduated Tempera senior training class of oil painting department of Central Academy of Fine Art
2017 Special Professor, Continuing Education College, Central Academy of Fine Arts
2019 Special Professor, School of Fine Arts, Jingdezhen Ceramic University

Xiao Ying’s artworks convey you the message that she is cracking the appearance of the world to construct a imaginative substance in her mind for the free soul to inhabit——bleary eyes lurk in those thick layers of paint, passionate and determined brush strokes, and faces that are effaced determinately by the palette knife. Through the layers of peeling textures, she seems to build a mansion of spirit, serving as a ladder to the temple of art.

2019 Looking Back to the Far Mountains was selected in the 13th National Art Exhibition
2019 "Phantom Series" participated in the National Art Foundation Central Academy of Fine Arts , Invitation Exhibition of Comprehensive Materials
2018 “Fantasy Series” Attended the 2008 Taipei Music and Art Exhibition, Taipei
2018 "Phantom Series" was selected as the third Pauli "College Star" Contemporary Art Exhibition, Zhejiang Yiwu International Expo Center
2018 "He’ll Build a Stele for Me", "New Youth and Contemporary Art International Promotion Program" Shanghai Exhibition Shanghai New Art Museum
2018 Xiao Ying’s Solo Exhibition:Illusions and Illusions, Nanchangxiao Art Museum
2018 Beautiful Friends of Illusions China Baolong Art Exhibition, Shanghai
2018 "Flowers of the Desert" Series Selected in "Landscape 2018" International Art Exchange Exhibition, Nanchang 699 Art Museum
2017 Works "Flowers of the Desert" Series Participated in "Colorful 2017" National Female Painters Art Exhibition Jinan Art Museum
2017 The work "Phantom Series" was selected as the exhibition of excellent works of Chinese and foreign artists sponsored by the Ministry of Culture of the United States. - - Metropolitan Museum of New York, USA
2016  work"Dreamland 201309\" won the 9th Jiangxi Youth Art Exhibition honorable mention
2016 work "What Are You Waiting for" won Excellence Award in the first of Jiangxi Youth Art Exhibition with theme of "vigor, dream and future" 2016 work series of ‘Desert Flower’on The 7 French Montmartre Modern Art Exhibition.
2016  work series of“phantom”on The 19Paris Autumn Art Salon.   Paris
2016 work "phantom" series participate in the national tour exhibition of Tempera research in galleries of Central Academy of Fine Art, Fine Arts Gallery of Tsinghua University, Shanghai Mali Art Center, and Academy of Huaxia sons and daughters in Xiamen
2015 work "Space of two or three" was selected for First National Paper Pastel Exhibition, collected by Shijiazhuang Art Museum
2015 work "Again Spring Wind Blows" won Gold Medal in 2015 works of arts and crafts Exhibition in Nanchang, Jiangxi
2015 work series of "Implicit" on Chinese Painting Society’s first exhibition in Nanchang
2015 work series of "Phantom" selected for 699 Biennial Exhibition of Contemporary Art in Nanchang
2015 work Series of "Fantastic Mountain" participate in Painting Art Exhibition by three people in Shanghai Chujue Art Museum
2015 work "Everything" was selected to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the victory of Anti-Japanese War Exhibition of Shanghai
2015 work “phantom” series was selected in the Contemporary Painting - Album Art Women
2014 work "Phantom 201 400 701" won the Silver Award in the National Art Exhibition in Nanchang, Jiangxi zone
2014 work "Implicit of Seven" selected for permanent collection of the oil painting department of Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing
2014 work "Wind - sand" selected for permanent collection of the oil painting department of Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing
2014 work Series of "Fantastic Mountain" participate in the opening exhibition of Germany CGFA gallery in Berlin
2014 work Series of "Phantom" participate in the "distance" - Contemporary Art Exhibition of Ten in Nanchang
2013 painting "Phantom" participated in2013 National Oil Painting Exhibition by China Art Museum in Shanghai
2013 painting "Phantom 2" won the Excellence Award (the highest award) of national oil painting exhibition, collected by the Chinese Artists Association
2013 work "Night" selected permanent collection of Jiangxi Nanchang Arts and Crafts Gallery
2012 work "One landscape" participated in the seventh World Youth Jiangxi Nanchang Art Exhibition
2012 work won "Star of Jiangxi" Art and Design Competition Award 2012 work "Ink landscape" selected for permanent collection of the oil painting department of Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing
2012 one of the "Rainbow series", displayed on "Art of Spring" Exhibition by Hilton Rosie Art Space in Beijing
2011 work Bronze Award of the first Graduate Art Exhibition in Jiangxi Province2011 work, "Silent Night" won 2nd prize of Jiangxi Art Competition
2011 work "Night" participated in Excellent works of arts and crafts exhibition in Nanchang, Jiangxi
2010 work "Koala-2" collected by Rong Bao Zhai of Nanchang
2010 work "Koala" won the second prize of Jiangxi Province Youth Art Exhibition2010 work "Dance" selected into Nanchang Artists Collections
2010 work "Lily 2" published in "Spark" magazine by Jiangxi Province Federation

《波特莱尔之花201801》 Baudelaire’s Flower 201801 150x160cm

小花园201901 Small Garden 综合媒材  Mixed Media 30 x 40cm

小花园201902 Small Garden,综合媒材  Mixed Media 30cmX40cm

综合媒材 《幻像20191125》 40xc50cm 2019年完成


  1981年生于浙江,西南大学美术学院硕士研究生,师从于著名画家马一丹。远赴云南高校执教7年创作大量油画作品(云南省德宏师范高等专科学校艺术系副教授)。她的画多为表现主义,毫无功利色彩的女性视角,以及一种带有鲜明主体判断的超常色光运用。她的画多为表现主义,毫无功利色彩的女性视角,以及一种带有鲜明主体判断的超常色光运用。刘婷擅长肖像绘画,但其审美诉求并不止于“小我”表达,而试图建立一种与风物及价值的有效共振。虽为江南小女子其作却独显大家风范,用色大胆、技法成熟。2015年在日本东京都美术馆参加日本东京国际美术大展,获村山富市奖,及日本众议院议长邀请接见。2017年在美国纽约切尔西艺术画廊专区举办个人专题画展,纽约艺术展览的资深评论家、AICA(国际艺术评论家协会)的成员Mary Hrbacek高度评价了刘婷的作品,并给出了相当深刻的分析与解剖,专稿发表于Culture Catch。2018年参加中国美术家协会举办的“首届全国美术高峰论坛”。

Liu Ting was born in Zhejiang province in 1981, a graduate from Southwest University whose tutor is Ma Yidan a famous contemporary artist, and has been teaching in a university in Yunnan for 10 years, a remote location of Chinese territory that inspired plentiful oil paintings from her. In Liu’s expressionistic work there is a utility-free feminine perspective and a super-natural expression of light and color with a strong subjective connotation. Liu paints portraits with an aesthetic pursuit that transcends individualism and embraces scenery and values. Though a petite woman herself, her artworks present bold use of color and mature technique of strokes, a true potential master.

  2018 首届全国美术高峰论坛,济南
  2017 "来自‘勐巴娜西’的一阵清风"个人艺术展,纽约
  2016 亚洲当代艺术博览会,香港
  2015 东京国际美术大展,获"村山富市"奖,东京
  2015 亚洲当代艺术博览会,香港
  2015 上海艺术博览会,上海
  2015 "多彩世界"艺术家联展,上海
  2013 亚洲当代艺术博览会,香港
  2012 上海艺术博览会,上海
  2011-2016 发表《表现主义绘画的艺术魅力》《试论具象与抽象》等论文19篇
  2008 西南大学美术馆油画作品联展,重庆
  2008 西湖艺术博览会,杭州
  2007 "花落知多少"—刘婷油画作品个展,重庆
  2007 首届70后艺术家作品邀请展,获青年艺术家一等奖,杭州&汉堡
  2007 庆祝重庆市直辖十周年暨首届重庆市高校研究生艺术作品展览,重庆
  2005 油画作品《涩女》 第三届重庆市美术作品展览 重庆

2018 1st National Art Summit, Ji’nan
2017 Liu Ting: A Breeze comes from Meng Bana Xi, New York
2016 Asia Comtemporary Art Show, Hong Kong
2015 Tokyo International Art Fair: Tomiichi Murayama Award
2015 Asia Comtemporary Art Show, Hong Kong
2015 Shanghai Art Fair, Shanghai
2015 A World of Colors- Joint Exhibition, Shanghai
2013 Asia Comtemporary Art Show, Hong Kong
2012 Shanghai Art Fair, Shanghai
2011-2016 Pubilicized 19 papers including <Artistic Charm of Expressionism><About the Concrete and the Abstract>
2008 Southwest University Oil Paintings Joint Exhibition, Chongqing
2008 West Lake Art Fair, Hangzhou
2007 "Secret Flowers Fly & People Just Sigh" - Solo Exhibition, Chongqing
2007 Invitation Exhibition of the 1970’s Generation: The 1st Youth Art Award, Hangzhou & Hamburg
2007 "Catch the Green" Exhibited in the Ceremony of the 10th Anniversary of Municipal Foundation of Chongqing City
2005 The 3rd Art Exhibition of Chongqing City

芭蕉花Flower of Japanese Banana 45x45

玫瑰园The Rose Garden100×70cm

你的太阳 Sun 60x60

我和我的茶花园 Me and My Tea Garden 120cm x 150cm


Nancy’s Gallery
田子坊 Tianzifang
上海市泰康路210弄田子坊艺术街5号楼100室, 101室, 112室 200025
Add: Room 100,101&112 No.5 Lane 210 Taikang Road, Shanghai 200025, China

Tel& Fax: (8621) 64668146
Mobile: (+86) 13671863626
