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【画廊指引】帕特里克·热罗拉艺术制造 Patrick Gerola Art Production

时间:2017/9/25 11:45:48 文章来源:中国艺术品网 


  帕特里克·热罗拉1959年出生于布鲁塞尔。他的母亲是名画家,他自幼生活在充满艺术氛围的家庭中。他在布鲁塞尔皇家学院学习现代艺术和建筑,并有两年是Maurice Bejart“Mudra”学校的成员。1983年他来到了日本,在那儿建立了他的工作室并迅速取得成功。这两个大洲启发了他的“壁画”技术。他用颜料创作,但在创作上加入了现代化的操作手法——混合了树脂。这让他的画极具透明感和光泽。他的作品也充分映射了他包容和感性的特质。

Patrick Gerola was born in Brussels in 1959. His mother was a painter, and he has spent his life in an artistic environment since his earliest youth. He studied at the Brussels Royal Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture, and for two years he was a member of Maurice Bejart’s “Mudra” school. In 1983, he discovered Japan. He established his studio there and very soon achieved great success.Both continents inspire his “al fresco” technique. He makes his own paints. They are based on pure pigments, to which he adds a modern touch by mixing them with resin. This makes his pictures transparent, and gives them a very luminous character.His work also reflects the generosity and sensitivity of the artist.


Patrick Gerola draws great inspiration from light and from nature. The artist can paint his pictures on an easel, but also produces monumental and parietal works. As he paints other subjects such as fields of beautifully coloured flowers, his body language turns into a form of dance. Under the influence of the music that accompanies him while painting, he slashes and sweeps patches saturated with paint around like a Zen gardener wielding a rake. Artistic Painter from Brussels… Living and working in two very different cultures - the European and the 0riental - Patrick GEROLA continuously seeks to express the symbiotic Life Force that both cultures share. The subtleness of the Japanese paintbrush, the richness of the light and the historic landscapes of Japan come together in his work with an abundance of the ambience of European art.     



—在Maurice BEJART学校与Micha Van Hoecke(Maurice Bejart学校的艺术总监及“L’ensemble”公司的编舞)(1981)在日本工作生活





●Study at the Brussels Royal Art Academy

●Worked at the Maurice BEJART School with Micha Van Hoecke (Artistic Director of the Maurice Bejart School and Choreographer of the company “L’ensemble”) (1981)     Living and working in Japan…   

●Leaves Brussels in 1983 to live and work in Japan.

●Produced the artistic decoration for the French Pavilion at the Universal Exposition in Tsukuba in 1985.

●Founder of Paxo studio, a company created in 1988 with the vision of bringing pain

帕特里克·热罗拉 《创造天地》


Patrick Gerola “Création” 

帕特里克·热罗拉 《下午》


Patrick Gerola “Cet après-midi-là” 

Fresco sur toile

帕特里克·热罗拉 《绿色和颜色》


Patrick Gerola “Vert et couleurs” 

Fresco on canvas

帕特里克·热罗拉 《打击乐器》


Patrick Gerola “Percussions” 

Fresco on polyester molding

帕特里克·热罗拉 《冬季》


Patrick Gerola “n°33 Hivernal” 

Fresco on canvas

帕特里克·热罗拉 《丰碑》


Patrick Gerola “Monumental” 

Fresco on canvas

帕特里克·热罗拉 《辉》


Patrick Gerola “Splendeur” 

 Fresco sur toile

帕特里克·热罗拉 《蓝色的树》


Patrick Gerola “L’arbre bleu”  

Fresco sur toile

帕特里克·热罗拉 《橙色背景郁金香》


Patrick Gerola “Tulipes fond orange”  

帕特里克·热罗拉 《注目》


Patrick Gerola “Observation”  

Fresco on canvas

票价:  门票50元/人    

总票房:东方票务  订票电话:962388

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