爱物琐记—— 一瞥即忘蓄心愁

时间:2010/10/23 1:45:45 文章来源:张振宇 


  从事油画工作的朋友们一定知道柯罗,其不属于杰出的主张回归自然、擅写法国乡村风景的巴比松画派,却像赵孟頫那样不在“元四家”之列又高于“元四家”。他的绘画集古典、浪漫、现实三种主义于一身,且带有印象之味,因此对后世的印象派(莫奈为代表),和后印象派(塞尚为代表) 的发展产生了极大的影响。


                         卢德卿之子张振宇2010.10.22夜 偷得晚餐那一刻而写



柯罗(法国 1796—1875) 《水边的劳作》局部之一


Desiderare Miscellus ----- A Glimpse to Forget the Ceaseless Woe

Over the past I have treated friends with “Chinese cuisine”, nonetheless, some changes (Western cuisine) once in a while should be nice! With local chef, we shall enjoy “Western cuisine the Chinese way”. With a different taste today, let’s try the “French banquet” by the genuine French master. This mater in the “gourmet’s circle” is world-renowned. The delicacy presented is no doubt, “the exotic banquet” by “the prestigious chef”, a crossover recommendation. Bon appetite!

Those of you who are familiar with oil paintings must not find the name Corot strange. His subtle notion of returning to nature; known for depicting the French countryside scenery at the school of Barbizon is parallel to Zhao Mengfu’s relationship to the “Four Masters of the Yuan Dynasty”, while he might not be recognized as much, he certainly transcended those who were. Corot’s paintings show a combination of Classicism, Romanticism, and Realism with a hint of Impressionism; therefore, it is evident of that in which Impressionism (Monet especially) and Post-Impressionism (Cézanne especially) were heavily influenced by his style.

The beauty of this landscape is like the sweetest moment of the blossom, like the sunny sky froze in eternity; is Corot’s matured style toward the end of his career. (A classic Corot and iconic work.) The mist like light, intangible by the naked eye, gives life to an air-lightness of ultimate beauty; the silence without artificial trails in the “microcosm” of this reality truly touches the audience with poetic harmony. The soul rendered suddenly without burden, away from secular distress……

Zhang Zhenyu, Dinner, 2010.10.22