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时间:2018/12/23 12:27:19  来源:财经天下


Pyramid Spring Auction in Dubai, 2019

辛亥革命后,1912年2月清朝宣统黄帝宣布自行逊位,北洋军阀袁世凯赞同共和后,根据临时政府的诺言,孙中山辞去中华民国临时大总统之职,袁世凯在北京就任中华民国临时大总统。当时为了巩固国内政局稳定,发展民族经济,也为“制宪”和“称帝”作准备,于是发布《国币条例》,毅然决定在全国“统一币制”,民国元年(公元1912年),意大利雕刻师乔治受聘于天津造币厂,镌刻模具,由天津造币厂铸造了袁世凯着军装高樱冠正面像中华民国共和纪念金币。民国二年(公元1913年)十月十日,袁世凯正式就任大总统,同时发行此币。版别有光边、齿边等,因这些钱币铸有他的侧身图像而得名。After the Revolution of 1911, the Qing Emperor Xuan of the Qing Dynasty announced his own abdication in February 1912. After Yuan Shikai of the Northern Warlord agreed to the Republic, according to the promise of the interim government, Sun Yat-sen resigned as the temporary president of the Republic of China, and Yuan Shikai became the interim president of the Republic of China in Beijing. At that time, in order to consolidate the stability of the domestic political situation, develop the national economy, and prepare for the "constitution of the Constitution" and "the emperor", the "Regulations on the National Currency" was issued, and it was decided to "unify the currency system" throughout the country. The first year of the Republic of China (AD 1912) The Italian engraver George was employed by the Tianjin Mint, engraved with the mold, and was minted by the Tianjin Mint. Yuan Shikai wore a military uniform with a high cherry crown and a positive statue like the Republic of China Republican commemorative gold coin. On October 10, the second year of the Republic of China (AD 1913), Yuan Shikai officially became the president and issued the coin. The edition has a light edge, a tooth edge, etc., and these coins are named after their sideways images.

上图金币尺寸:直徑39.15mm/重量37.3g。钱币正面为袁世凯九分脸正面及胸像,面部稍左侧,袁世凯身着大元帅服,头戴鹭羽冠,胸前佩戴大勋章,右边刻有L.GIORGI英文签字。银币背面中央镌“壹圆”二字,以嘉禾围绕,上镌“中华民国共和纪念币”九字,左右各一花纹,下面镌一元英文“ONE DOLLAR”,银币两面的币边缘皆环珠圈。The size of the gold coin shown above is 39.15mm in diameter/37.3g in weight. The front of the coin is Yuan Shikai’s nine-face face and bust. The face is slightly on the left side. Yuan Shikai is dressed in the Grand Marshal suit, wearing a coat of feathers on the head, wearing a medal on his chest, and a L.GIORGI English signature on the right. On the back of the silver coin, the word "one dollar" in the center is surrounded by Jiahe. The captain of the "Republican Republic of China Commemorative Coin" has nine characters, and each one has a pattern. The following is the English one dollar "ONE DOLLAR". The edges of the coins on both sides of the silver coin are ring beads.

钱币在收藏市场上一直是比较热门的收藏品,虽然在历史的推移下,许多钱币早已经失去了其原有的流通功能,但是却多了考究价值、艺术价值、欣赏价值、收藏价值等各种新功能,经过一定时间的演变,钱币爱好者以及钱币收藏家们的数量也已经发展到一定的程度,正是这些人的喜爱、追捧或者炒作,钱币收藏的火爆热浪总是一波接着一波向我们袭来 。Coins have always been a popular collection in the collection market. Although many coins have lost their original circulation functions in the past, they have more value, artistic value, appreciation value and collection value. A new kind of function, after a certain period of evolution, the number of coin lovers and coin collectors has also developed to a certain extent, it is these people’s favorite, sought after or hype, the hot wave of coin collection is always one after another The wave hit us.

经过十余年的培育,以机制币为代表的钱币拍卖市场终于在大放异彩。即便与海外市场相比,当前内地市场亦不逊分毫。收藏者、投资者群体的知识更丰富、视野更开阔,观念也发生了深刻变化,他们对藏品追求更苛刻,在珍、稀的前提下,更看重藏品的完美品相和未来价值。After more than a decade of cultivation, the coin auction market represented by the mechanism currency has finally shined. Even compared with overseas markets, the current mainland market is not inferior. Collectors and investor groups have a wealth of knowledge, a broader perspective, and profound changes in their concepts. They are more demanding on this series. Under the premise of rare and rare, they value the perfect appearance and future value of the product.


Name: Signature version Yuan Shikai Gao Wei like the Republic of China Republican commemorative coin one yuan gold coin


Size: diameter 39.15mm / weight 37.3g

介绍:签字版袁世凯高缨像中华民国共和纪念币壹圓金币,重量:37.3g,直径:39.15mm;该枚签字版金币,是民国机制金币中的精品;成色高,含金量为90%以上;正面为袁世凯九分脸正面及胸像,面部稍左侧,袁世凯身着大元帅服,头戴鹭羽冠,胸前佩戴大勋章,右边刻有L.GIORGI英文签字,金币背面中央镌“壹圓”二字,以嘉禾围绕,上镌“中华民国共和纪念币”九字,左右各一花纹,下面镌一元英文ONEDOLLAR,银币两面的币边缘皆环珠圈;此币已鉴定,设计考究铸工精良,原光极美未使用品,为稀有真品,极具收藏价值。The signed version of Yuan Shikai is like the Republic of China Republican commemorative coin, one yuan gold, weight: 37.3g, diameter: 39.15cm; the signature gold coin is a fine among the Republic of China mechanism gold coins; high color, gold content is more than 90%; positive for Yuan Shikai Nine-point face and bust, face slightly left, Yuan Shikai dressed in the Grand Marshal suit, wearing a coat of feathers on the head, wearing a medal on the chest, engraved with L.GIORGI in English on the right, and the word "one dollar" on the back of the coin. Jiahe revolves around the captain of the "Republican Republic of China Commemorative Coin", with a pattern of left and right, and the following English ONEDOLLAR, the edge of the coin on both sides of the coin is ring-shaped bead circle; the coin has been identified, the design is exquisitely cast, the original light is very beautiful. The product is rare and authentic, and has great collection value.





